So, my husband and I have been in our brand new home for a year and a half.
Before that, we lived in an 800 sq. ft., one-bedroom apartment. And somehow, in
the course of this short span of time we’ve managed to accumulate so much crap
that it feels like we’re bursting at the seams in our home that is almost double
the size of the apartment!
What happened?
Despite all my brilliant attempts at organization, our home is over-stuffed
and overwhelming. The strong desire we had for so long to “spread out” and “fill
our new home”, coupled with an addiction to amazing DIY projects on Pinterest
and style dyslexia has resulted in the current state we’re in.
Today, I read the lazy gal’s survival guide : letting go of perfect, and let's just say, Ashley has miraculously
pinpointed my frustrations.
"I feel like the term ‘housekeeping’ goes beyond just the organization of things.
It’s a lifestyle. It’s everything from getting silly cords under control, to
parenting tactics with pitching in around the home.
I think my biggest frustration is that I’m a surface cleaner. My home looks
great on the outside. There is no clutter. And I have little systems that are
semi-working. But as soon as I get my home looking like the photo above this
one, I come crashing back down to reality.
The last time I shared my organization issues, a very well meaning friend
shared their condolences. Say what? You’re sorry I’m not organized?
I’m sad to admit that it kind of made me feel bad. I let it make me
feel bad. I’ve been feeling downright guilty about it. About not being ‘enough‘
in the land of having-it-togetherness.
You may as well say you’re sorry I’m not perfect. To me, organization has
been the unattainable perfection.
I’m living my life. And so are all of you. I hate the word ‘busy.’ The truth
of the matter is, we are what we choose to be. And I know it only gets worse.
Honestly, I’ve been overwhelmed.
So why am I letting myself feel bad about that? Why should I feel
bad about having a disorganized drawer? (dysfunctional pantry, closet
crammed full, and crap under my bed?) Guilt. It only complicates the original
And then I realized I was looking at the approach to a well-kept home, in a
completely wrong way. A well-kept home is not the equivalent to perfection.
Because there is no such thing as a perfect home.
Guilt is no longer driving me to an organized home. Neither is some
preconceived notion or unrealistic expectations.
I want to run a smoother household. Creating a beautiful home is more than
just a pretty space. It’s about the delicate systems behind it, that keep it
running. And right now, our ride is a little bumpy."
So. glad. I’m. not. alone.
Simplify. It’s so {pun intended} simple!
What happened?
Despite all my brilliant attempts at organization, our home is over-stuffed and overwhelming. The strong desire we had for so long to “spread out” and “fill our new home”, coupled with an addiction to amazing DIY projects on Pinterest and style dyslexia has resulted in the current state we’re in.
Today, I read the lazy gal’s survival guide : letting go of perfect, and let's just say, Ashley has miraculously pinpointed my frustrations.
So. glad. I’m. not. alone.
Simplify. It’s so {pun intended} simple!